Please Watch The Short Video Above ~Thanks (PACKAGES LISTED BELOW) Do You Want To Disappear In A Digital World? Click The Dropdown Boxes For More Information.


Asset Protection, Trusts, LLCs, Corporations

Asset protection

  • Hide Assets In Trust Or Holding Companies.
  • Create Asset Aliases.
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Holding Company Investments
  • Anonymous Asset Purchase And Ownership


  • Titling of Homes And Land
  • Property Tax 
  • Companies
  • Investment Assets
  • Probate Avoidance
  • Private Asset Distribution After Death

LLC's / Corporations

  • Utilities
  • Land
  • Investments
  • Insurance
  • Vehicle Titles
  • Vehicle Registration And Plates
  • Mail
  • Beneficiary of Trust

Ghost Address

Create A Ghost Address

  • Physical Address
  • Billing Address
  • Out of State Address
  • Confirm Change of Address with USPS
  • Publicly Associate Address with Name Databases
  • Mail Collection at ghost Address
  • Remote Business Address
  • Mail Scanning Service
  • Nomad Address
  • Physical Mail Forwarding to Secure Address

Online Privacy Data Removal

Home Address/Phone Number

  • Phone Number Searches
  • People Search Websites
  • Voter Registration Records
  • Social Media Sites
  • Website Information 
  • Individual Doxing
  • Data Breaches 

Business Address/Phone Number

  • Business Filing
  • Office Address
  • Business Phone Number
  • Holding Company 
  • Anonymous Business Assets
  • Website Content
  • Website Information

Defamation and Harassment

  • Negative Reviews
  • Online Threats
  • Stalkers
  • Personal Attacks
  • Fake Dating Websites
  • Social Network Posts
  • Online Bullying
  • Revenge Videos And Pictures
  • Fake Pictures Or Videos
  • Cheating Partner Sites
  • Personal Photos

Disinformation & Aliases

Fake Disinformation Life Created

  • Personal Contact Details In Another State
  • Social Media Disinformation
  • False Data Package
  • False Verifiable Linked In (JOB)
  • Fake Phone Number Listed (Verifiable And Looks Real)
  • Personal Blog/Site
  • Domain And Data

Data Cleanup

  • Post Cleanup
  • Website Cleanup
  • Employment Reference Cleanup
  • Revenge Content Cleanup
  • Negative Content Buried 
  • Content Cleanup
  • Negative Social Media Cleanup 

New Alias Identities

Advanced Alias Identity

  • Full New ADVANCED Aliases Identity Package (Contact Us For Advanced Details) This Package Includes Everything

Foreign Domicile

  • Ghost Address
  • Foreign Domicile License And Address
  • Utility And Bill Verification
  • Official Credit Report Ghost Address
  • Verified Address Documents

Dual Citizenship/Residency

  • Become A Citizen Of Second Country (Example) St. Kitts, Panama, Belgium
  • Second Residency (Example) Cayman Island, Bermuda, Costa Rica, Bahamas



Call With Cody Hawk

$797/One Time

*1 Hour Call with Cody Hawk

*On the call you pick the privacy or security topic and Cody gives you an action plan of steps to reach your goal.

*Can cover any legal privacy or security topics on call


Call With Cody Hawk

$1997/One Time

*CUSTOM Privacy and security strategy/action plan created for you by our team of experts, 4 calls with Cody Hawk (30 minutes each)

*We help you design and execute your Ghost Life or business

*Action plan for your specific situation

*Calls can be used once a week or as needed. We work at your pace

*Follow up email support


Call With Cody Hawk



*We build you a custom Ghost Life or turn your business into a Ghosted structure.

*Weekly progress call/email/text with Cody Hawk and the Privacy X Team

*We build a custom strategy/action plan for your life/business and then we make you disappear

*Average timeframe is 8-12 weeks depending on your situation

*We will make you a ghost online and create a ghost identity not a federal or “fake” identity). you become untraceable

*You will be responsible for any small recurring fees for service used. Example: Apps, Private mail drops, LLC, etc. We do the leg work for you, so you don’t have to.

*Follow up email support

For any questions contact us at